Global Citizenship & Travel
Our students are exposed to multiple world languages and travel internationally to learn from and serve other communities. Our courses are designed to embed global thinking and hunt for missing perspectives. Our academic programming creates a community of diverse, thoughtful, and active student leaders, and our college counseling program supports not “where should I go to college,” but “what college path best aligns with my goals as a change agent for our world?”
We believe our students have the capacity to accomplish great feats in their lifetime, and at MIS they are provided with every opportunity to realize this potential.

Through our travel and global languages programs, MIS students explore the world as compassionate problem-solvers and responsive citizens.
Your child’s perspective widens as he traverses the globe, trekking through the Andes, marveling at the majesty of Macchu Picchu, conversing with a guide in Spanish along the way.
The next year he’s studying paintings of Gauguin at the Louvre, and then imitating his brushstrokes back in our art studio.
Globally-Minded Travel
As early as 3rd grade, students are offered domestic travel opportunities, with international travel beginning in middle school. Students conduct their own online research on where to stay, grappling with schedules and expenses for the trip. And because our travel is course-embedded, students immerse themselves in the culture of their destination long before they leave. No spring break trips here.
Our travel—deliberate, purposeful, and embedded into our Social and Cultural Studies Curriculum—strengthens community stewardship, cultural understanding, flexibility, empathy, and independence.
“MIS is a place that truly values independent thought, academic freedom, creativity, and an eyes-wide-open view of the larger world; it’s an amazing and unique place for a child to learn and to grow”
-MIS Parent

Recent international travel destinations: Panama, Germany, China, Costa Rica, France, Iceland, Peru, Spain, Japan, and Morocco.
Recent domestic travel destinations: Boston, Chicago, Washington, DC, Savannah, and St. Louis.
World Languages
The simultaneous study of global languages—Spanish, Mandarin and American Sign Language—begins in Kindergarten, when our students’ brains pick them up remarkably quickly. By middle school, don’t be surprised if your child isn’t just speaking in another language, but thinking in it as naturally as she does English.