Our Faculty
MIS parents rank our outstanding teachers as our #1 strength. Otherwise known as equally-curious co-learners, our faculty are empowered to foster strong, caring relationships with students. All faculty are specifically trained in gifted education, and understand the unique needs of gifted learners. Small class sizes ensure that every teacher knows each student as an individual and has time to provide one-on-one attention, offering both challenge and support, where needed.
Our flexible, customized curriculum means MIS teachers are encouraged to bring their unique backgrounds, strengths, and interests into the classroom. 64% of faculty and leadership staff hold advanced degrees. 46% of faculty are multilingual, and many have experience teaching internationally. Collectively, they bring a wealth of experience, knowledge, passions, and heart to school with them each day.
Hani Assadi
Science & Math
Mariaelena Buresh
Math & Science
Hoza Chavis
Middle School P.E.
TanNecia Clark
Elementary Faculty
Morgan Curtis
Adriana Danzilo
Elementary Faculty
Danna Downs
Laura Harris
Middle and High School Math
Franky Hunter
Middle School Humanities
Kathy Kelly-George
Music & Reading Support
Joseph Kleinhenz
Gabriella LaMothe
Elementary Faculty
Tone Lane
Theatre Arts
Effi Padilla
Richard Pettypiece
Social and Cultural Studies
Travis Platek
Katie Rinderle
Instructional Coach
Emily Rowley
Social and Cultural Studies
Olivia Starich
High School Science
Asmaa Tamine
Sher Taylor
William Warren
High School Literature
Sonata Woodard
Elementary Faculty
Rodney Wayne
Elementary P.E.