The Arts
At MIS, the Arts are an essential part of our everyday experience.
Visual Arts
MIS Theatre is devoted to building student confidence, knowledge, and growth. Our Theatre program designs intentional projects and performance opportunities that challenge students to explore, expand, create, and collaborate both on- and off-stage.
Working within a nurturing and safe environment, students produce quality performances backed by solid theatrical principles.
In the MIS Visual Arts studio, students experience themselves as creative and capable artists, and learn how visual arts has a place in culture and society.
The MIS Visual Arts program allows students to develop their artistic skills through a challenging and engaging art curriculum. The MIS Visual Arts Department strives to give students the opportunity to develop their creative thinking and problem-solving skills as they explore a variety of mediums and techniques and apply them to their own unique works of art.
The MIS Visual Arts department believes that all students have a natural desire to create and visually express themselves, their ideas, and their curiosities, and therefore each student receives instruction and support that best benefits his or her needs. Student achievement is based on the individual progress of a student and their ability to work through challenges, towards the completion of their own artwork.
Visual Arts
Lower Grades
Kindergarten through 5th grade students will use their imagination and creative-thinking skills to generate ideas and express themselves through their artwork. Students will be given the opportunity to explore a variety of mediums and art techniques to strengthen their artistic skills while learning about other cultures and making real life connections. Students will brainstorm, visualize, and sketch on their own and with a group to develop their ideas from start to finish, and understand that art is a process.
Middle Grades
In middle school, students will make a greater effort in creating meaningful works of art that capture their own thoughts and ideas, while discovering their own style of art and gaining an appreciation for art history. We realize that the process is just as important as the end product, so an emphasis is placed on planning and production, allowing students to examine and self-assess their own art progress. Throughout the year, students will practice giving and receiving constructive feedback, while they discuss their own work and that of their peers.
Upper Grades
High school students are given the opportunity to explore and focus on specific disciplines and mediums, while using self-discipline, creative-thinking, and critical-thinking skills to improve their art technique. Our current high school offerings are Photography and Painting.
Music at MIS cultivates confidence, perseverance, and musicianship.
Students experience a broad variety of musical impressions and learn about ways to musically express themselves through singing, dancing, playing instruments, listening to music, and music theory.
Lower Grades
Students will explore and refine their ability to create music in various mediums, techniques, and forms. They will be introduced to basic music theory ideas and aural perspective, and intentionally use one or more elements of music to enhance their work. . Through the music class, students will develop life skills, such as following directions, self-monitoring, caring for materials, working with others, respecting others’ opinions, working through challenges, and building self-confidence.
Middle Grades (Elective)
This elective focuses on the students’ music growth and development in a choral, and instrumental, based setting. Students will be introduced to basic music theory, a variety of choral and instrumental literature, proper techniques, and performance opportunities. The goal is to challenge students in the pursuit of becoming well-rounded musicians, as well as developing aural and music theory skill sets. The students have 3 components that they are focusing on throughout this year: Vocal, Strings, and Wind. The vocal component is demonstrated through choir, strings in the form of the ukulele, and winds are demonstrated through learning the clarinet.
Upper Grades (After School)
MIS high school students have the opportunity to join the after-school ensemble. The instrumentation of the group is determined by the students, and the rehearsals are guided by the music director. The ensemble has the opportunity to perform throughout the year, including at the Winter Arts Festival and during Week of the Arts.