“Gifted” is often used as a homogenous label, but no two gifted students are the same.
MIS exists to understand each gifted individual’s uniqueness and to remove the limits from their learning.
Gifted students in conventional learning environments may be held back from realizing their full potential, and can feel bored, misunderstood, disengaged, or frustrated.
Traditional schools often focus on numerical scores, on memorization and testing, and compliance and conformity. Being gifted in those environments usually means covering more of the same or leaving their same-age peers in order to be challenged.
But that approach isn’t always right. It often misses the depth and complexity that gifted students crave, and prioritizes temporary achievement metrics over a lifelong love of learning and exploration. In most schools, the “right” answer is where the learning stops, but at MIS, it’s where we begin.

So, what happens when highly intelligent kids with unique educational needs find the right fit?
When they are encouraged to bring their whole selves to school?
When they spend each day with equally-curious educators and peers that understand and value them?
When we see them as unique individuals, help them uncover their strengths, and offer each student unbounded learning that matters?
When we take them into the world, offer them choices, give them opportunities to dive deeper, and challenge them to solve real-world problems?
They light up. They harness their strengths. They take academic risks. They open their minds to the limitless potential of learning.
They engage. They thrive.
At MIS, we get gifted learners.
Gifted can take many different forms, and we have built our school from the ground up to serve these exceptional, but often underserved, students.
How does MIS help gifted students engage and thrive?
We understand gifted.
From the moment you walk into MIS, you'll notice our school feels different from any other school you know. And that's entirely on purpose.
We are diverse, inclusive, progressive.
It is our moral imperative as human beings on this earth to be brave and true in celebrating the beauty and dignity in each life.
No one waits to learn.
Our small class sizes create an environment where each student receives individualized challenges and support each day.
We are global citizens.
We are globally minded, offering multiple world languages starting in Kindergarten. We take learning into the world through immersive, curriculum-inspired travel experiences starting in Grade 3.
We consider the whole child.
Our strengths-based approach and built-in social-emotional support build confidence and community for every student. With counselors on staff and teachers who foster strong, caring relationships, students receive the support they need to take academic risks and thrive.
We challenge students with real world problems.
We de-emphasize rote memorization and acquisition of knowledge in exchange for depth of understanding, critical thinking, and problem solving in collaboration within a diverse community.
“She got into the car after her first day, smiling. I said, ‘It looks like you like your new school, then.’ She said, ‘No.’ I looked puzzled. She paused dramatically. ‘I LOVE it!’
We have never looked back. My child is thriving. ”
— MIS Parent

Is your child gifted?
The answer might surprise you!

Meet our Head of School
Mr. Ashley Scott
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